Renewable Energy Ireland is an open partnership of sustainable energy associations working collectively to support the energy transition in Ireland.
Our members are:
Demand Response Association of Ireland
The DRAI is the representative body for providers of demand response and flexibility across the island of Ireland.
Demand response supports the integration of renewable generation and the decarbonisation of the electricity system through providing power system services from flexible sources of demand.
- Visit the DRAI website.
eHeat Ireland
eHeat Ireland (EHI) was established in 2021 to accelerate the decarbonisation of heat in industry through electrification.
We want to encourage the use of electric heat ‘eHeat’ and to create awareness for how deployment of the technology can support the decarbonisation of Irish industry across the island of Ireland.
- Visit the eHeat Ireland website.
Energy Storage Ireland
Energy Storage Ireland is the representative association for those interested and active in the development of energy storage in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
We work to promote the benefits of energy storage to decarbonising Ireland’s energy system and engage with policymakers to support the development of energy storage on the island.
- Visit the Energy Storage Ireland website
Heat Pump Association
The HPA represents manufacturers and importers of heat pumps in the Republic of Ireland. Members are committed to quality and the promotion of a high standard of professionalism and service in the Irish Heat Pump Industry.
Membership is open to all manufacturers and importers / distributors of heat pumps with the aim of giving the industry a single representative voice.
- Visit the Heat Pump Association of Ireland website.
Irish Bio Energy Association
IrBEA was founded in May 1999. Its role is to promote the bioenergy industry and to develop this important sector on the island of Ireland. The organisation is a self-governing association of voluntary members.
- Visit the Irish Bio Energy Association website
Irish District Energy Association
The IRDEA represents the district heating and cooling (DHC) sector. We support and promote the growth of the DHC industry, creating a new heating market for Ireland which offers greater opportunities to utilise indigenous low-carbon and renewable sources of heat.
- Visit the Irish District Energy Association website.
Irish Solar Energy Association
The Irish Solar Energy Association works to promote solar as a leading renewable energy technology that will decarbonise Ireland’s electricity system, and contribute to a successful and strong clean economy.
- Visit the Irish Solar Energy Association website.
Irish Wind Farmers Association
Irish Wind Farmers Association (IWFA) represents the smaller independent wind-farm developers, having emerged as a body to perform that role in 2012 from under the umbrella of Meitheal na Gaoithe Coop, founded in 2000
- Visit the Irish Wind Farmers Association website
Marine Renewables Industry Association
The MRIA represents companies and interests on the island of Ireland – Ireland and Northern Ireland – in the Marine Renewables Emerging Technologies’ (MRET) fields of wave, tidal, floating wind and ‘hybrid’ energy.
- Visit the Marine Renewables Industry Association website
Wind Energy Ireland
Wind Energy Ireland is the representative body for the Irish wind industry, working to promote wind energy as an essential, economical and environmentally friendly part of the country’s low-carbon energy future.
- Visit the Wind Energy Ireland website